119. During the first year of the implementation of a deposit-refund system, the designated management body must establish a monitoring committee, whose members are independent of the members of its board of directors and mandated by the following persons or bodies having a domicile or establishment in Québec to represent them:(1) return point managers;
(2) return centre managers;
(3) bulk return point managers;
(4) conditioners, who must mandate 2 representatives for persons conditioning different types of containers;
(5) a person whose activities involve recycling the material obtained following the conditioning of redeemable containers to manufacture new redeemable or non-returnable containers, packaging or paper intended for the printing field, and a person whose activities involve reclaiming such a material by using it as a substitute for raw materials of a similar or different nature, except where the materials are used in a landfill for residual materials within the meaning of the Regulation respecting the landfilling and incineration of residual materials (chapter Q-2, r. 19), in a biological treatment centre or for energy recovery; (6) transporters, who must mandate one representative for persons who collect redeemable containers from return sites and one representative for persons who collect redeemable containers from establishments offering on-site consumption;
(7) retailers;
(8) establishments offering on-site consumption;
(9) the authorities responsible for the administration of the isolated or remote territories;
(10) municipal bodies, including associations established to represent the municipalities;
(11) a management body designated pursuant to a regulation made under subparagraph b of subparagraph 6 of the first paragraph of section 53.30 and section 53.30.1 of the Act, if such a body exists.